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Curtis JA
Mocchetti V
Rameau A
. 2024.
Concurrent Validity of a Low-Cost Manometer for Objective Assessments of Respiratory Muscle Strength.
Laryngoscope. 134(4):1831-1836.
Doruk C
Mocchetti V
Rives H
Christos P
Rameau A
. 2024.
Correlations Between Anxiety and/or Depression Diagnoses and Dysphagia Severity.
Laryngoscope. 134(5):2115-2120.
Evangelista E
Kale R
McCutcheon D
Rameau A
Gelbard A
Powell M
Johns M
Law A
Song P
Naunheim M
et al.
. 2024.
Current Practices in Voice Data Collection and Limitations to Voice AI Research: A National Survey.
Laryngoscope. 134(3):1333-1339.
Srinivasan Y
Shamritsky D
Bhatta A
Chou E
Pham T
Sanghvi Y
Woolf L
Zhang M
Odigie E
Chidziva C
et al.
. 2024.
Design and Usability of an Open-Source, Low-Cost Flexible Laryngoscope for Resource-Limited Settings.
JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 150(4):342-348.
Srinivasan Y
Shamritsky D
Bhatta A
Chou E
Pham T
Sanghvi Y
Woolf L
Zhang M
Odigie E
Chidziva C
et al.
. 2024.
Design and Usability of an Open-Source, Low-Cost Flexible Laryngoscope for Resource-Limited Settings.
JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 150(4):342-348.
Srinivasan Y
Briano J
Czaja S
Lachs MS
Rosen AE
Stewart MG
Rameau A
. 2024.
Elective Surgery Trends and Outcomes of Nonagenarians and Centenarians in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery: A NSQIP Study.
Curtis JA
Mocchetti V
Rameau A
. 2024.
In Response to Concurrent Validity of the IOPI and Tongueometer Orofacial Strength Measurement Devices.
Laryngoscope. 134(1):E4.
Alter IL
Chan K
Lechien J
Rameau A
. 2024.
An introduction to machine learning and generative artificial intelligence for otolaryngologists-head and neck surgeons: a narrative review.
Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 281(5):2723-2731.
Chen H
Ma X
Rives H
Serpedin A
Yao P
Rameau A
. 2024.
Trust in Machine Learning Driven Clinical Decision Support Tools Among Otolaryngologists.
Laryngoscope. 134(6):2799-2804.
Kostas JC
Lee AS
Arunkumar A
Han C
Lee M
Goel AN
Alrassi J
Crosby T
Clark CM
Amin M
et al.
. 2024.
Validation of a 3D-Printed Percutaneous Injection Laryngoplasty Simulator: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
Laryngoscope. 134(1):318-323.
Kostas JC
Lee AS
Arunkumar A
Han C
Lee M
Goel AN
Alrassi J
Crosby T
Clark CM
Amin M
et al.
. 2024.
Validation of a 3D-Printed Percutaneous Injection Laryngoplasty Simulator: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
Laryngoscope. 134(1):318-323.
Palte I
Stewart S
Rives H
Curtis JA
Enver N
Tritter A
Andreadis K
Mocchetti V
Schnoll-Sussman F
Soumekh A
et al.
. 2024.
Virtual Reality for Pain Management During High-Resolution Manometry: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
Laryngoscope. 134(3):1118-1126.
Rameau A
Cox SR
Sussman SH
Odigie E
. 2023.
Addressing disparities in speech-language pathology and laryngology services with telehealth.
J Commun Disord. 105:106349.
Odigie E
Andreadis K
Chandra I
Mocchetti V
Rives H
Cox S
Rameau A
. 2023.
Are Mobile Applications in Laryngology Designed for All Patients?
Laryngoscope. 133(7):1540-1549.
Odigie E
Andreadis K
Chandra I
Mocchetti V
Rives H
Cox S
Rameau A
. 2023.
Are Mobile Applications in Laryngology Designed for All Patients?
Laryngoscope. 133(7):1540-1549.
Nwosu OI
Crowson MG
Rameau A
. 2023.
Artificial Intelligence Governance and Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery.
Laryngoscope. 133(11):2868-2870.
Curtis JA
Mocchetti V
Rameau A
. 2023.
Concurrent Validity of the IOPI and Tongueometer Orofacial Strength Measurement Devices.
Laryngoscope. 133(11):3123-3131.
Doruk C
Çaytemel B
Şahin E
Kara H
Samancı B
Abay SNisa
Bilgiç B
Hanağası H
Başaran B
Enver N
et al.
. 2023.
Evaluation of Post-Swallow Residue with Visual Analysis of Swallowing Efficiency and Safety in Patients with Idiopathic Parkinson's Disease.
Ear Nose Throat J. :1455613231210976.
Kuhn MA
M Gillespie B
Ishman SL
Ishii LE
Brody R
Cohen E
Dhar SI
Hutcheson K
Jefferson G
Johnson F
et al.
. 2023.
Expert Consensus Statement: Management of Dysphagia in Head and Neck Cancer Patients.
Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 168(4):571-592.
Chadwick KA
Liao D
Alter IL
Coleman R
Andreadis K
Riekki R
Waldman J
Rives H
Pitti M
Rameau A
. 2023.
Outcomes of Gender-Affirming Voice and Communication Modification Training for Non-binary Individuals: A Case Series.
J Voice.
Chadwick KA
Liao D
Alter IL
Coleman R
Andreadis K
Riekki R
Waldman J
Rives H
Pitti M
Rameau A
. 2023.
Outcomes of Gender-Affirming Voice and Communication Modification Training for Non-binary Individuals: A Case Series.
J Voice.
Dhar SIan
Nativ-Zeltzer N
Starmer H
Morimoto LNayeli
Evangelista L
O'Rourke A
Fritz M
Rameau A
Randall DR
Cates D
et al.
. 2022.
The American Broncho-Esophagological Association Position Statement on Swallowing Fluoroscopy.
Yao P
Witte D
Gimonet H
German A
Andreadis K
Cheng M
Sulica L
Elemento O
Barnes J
Rameau A
. 2022.
Automatic classification of informative laryngoscopic images using deep learning.
Laryngoscope Investig Otolaryngol. 7(2):460-466.
Yao P
Usman M
Chen YH
German A
Andreadis K
Mages K
Rameau A
. 2021.
Applications of Artificial Intelligence to Office Laryngoscopy: A Scoping Review.
Chadwick KA
Coleman R
Andreadis K
Pitti M
Rameau A
. 2021.
Outcomes of Gender-Affirming Voice and Communication Modification for Transgender Individuals.
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