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Rameau A, Anand SM, Nguyen LH.  2011.  Ballpoint pen ingestion in a 2-year-old child.. Ear Nose Throat J. 90(7):E20-2.
Rameau A, Lee M, Enver N, Sulica L.  2020.  Is Office Laryngoscopy an Aerosol-Generating Procedure? Laryngoscope. 130(11):2637-2642.
Rameau A.  2020.  Pilot study for a novel and personalized voice restoration device for patients with laryngectomy.. Head Neck. 42(5):839-845.
Rameau A, Andreadis K, German A, Lachs MS, Rosen TE, Pitzrick MS, Symes LB, Klinck H.  2023.  Changes in Cough Airflow and Acoustics After Injection Laryngoplasty.. Laryngoscope. 133 Suppl 3(Suppl 3):S1-S14.
Rameau A, Wang E, Saraswathula A, Pageler N, Perales S, Sidell DR.  2018.  Enhancing pediatric airway safety using the electronic medical record.. Laryngoscope. 128(12):2885-2892.
Rameau A, Foltz RS, Wagner K, Zur KB.  2012.  Multidisciplinary approach to vocal cord dysfunction diagnosis and treatment in one session: a single institutional outcome study.. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 76(1):31-5.
Rameau A, Andreadis K, Ganesan V, Lachs MS, Rosen T, Wang F, Maddox A, Klinck H, Khosla SM, de Luzan CFarbos et al..  2023.  Acoustic Screening of the "Wet voice": Proof of Concept in an ex vivo Canine Laryngeal Model.. Laryngoscope. 133(10):2517-2524.
Rameau A, Katz P, Andreadis K, Drenis S, Joseph ITheophilus, Tran A, Han G, Sarhadi KShawn, Kaufman M, Belafsky P.  2022.  Clarifying Inaccurate Terminology: The Important Difference Between Dysphagia and Swallowing Dysfunction. Foregut.
Rameau A, Mudry A.  2020.  When did gastro-esophageal reflux become a disease? A historical perspective on GER(D) nomenclature. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 137:110214.
Rameau A, Andreadis K, Bayoumi A, Kaufman M, Belafsky P.  2021.  Side Effects of Proton Pump Inhibitors: What are Patients' Concerns? J Voice. 35(5):809.e15-809.e20.
Rameau A, Lee M, Andreadis K, Sulica L.  2021.  Perception of Proton Pump Inhibitor Side Effects Among Members of the American Broncho-Esophagological Association.. J Voice.